It's currently free to post on the the Independent Schools Portal Jobs Board!
Our website and social media platforms effectively cut through the noise by focusing solely on Academic Staff and Senior Support vacancies in Independent and International Schools. Each listing will not only appear on our website but will also be sent directly to the inboxes of Senior Leaders in our database, as well as those who have participated in our CPD programmes. You will also have one dedicated social post across each of our main platforms (X and Facebook) as well as regular mentions on our LinkedIn page to enable you to attract as many candidates as possible.
✓ Easy online form to submit jobs - saving you time and effort.
✓ Dedicated point of contact who will ensure your job is live and you are making the most out of the advert and social posts.
✓ Reach a combined audience of over 7,000 Independent School Leaders through multiple channels, including our website, email and social media.
✓ Your advert will stay live on our website until the vacancy is filled. Our site is actively used by School Leaders daily, due to our extensive range of free CPD resources.
Once you've filled in the short form below, a member of our team will reach out to confirm all the details so that we can get your vacancy online. We aim to have job postings live within 48 hours of receiving your completed information.
✓ Easy online form to submit jobs - saving you time and effort.
✓ Dedicated point of contact who will ensure your job is live and you are making the most out of the advert and social posts.
✓ Reach a combined audience of over 7,000 Independent School Leaders through multiple channels, including our website, email and social media.
✓ Your advert will stay live on our website until the vacancy is filled. Our site is actively used by School Leaders daily, due to our extensive range of free CPD resources.
Once you've filled in the short form below, a member of our team will reach out to confirm all the details so that we can get your vacancy online. We aim to have job postings live within 48 hours of receiving your completed information.